Your advan­tages:

01 Low-main­­ten­ance & Energy effi­cient

02 Inte­grable in BDE /MDE/PPS

03 Process reli­able

04 Sustainable & Climate friendly

05 Inno­va­tion leader since 2019

06 patented tech­no­logy

Signi­fi­cant lowe­ring of opera­ting costs compared to conven­tional compressed air dryers and silica gel dryers.

Call an expert now!

»Where indi­vi­dual solu­tions become inno­va­tions – industry 4.0«

WENZ Kunst­stoff GmbH & Co. KG

WENZ Kunst­stoff GmbH & Co. KG has been involved in plastics peri­pheral tech­no­logy for 25 years. The tech­nical focus is on mold tempe­ring and drying of plastic resin with parti­cular atten­tion to opti­mize all para­me­ters, thereby protec­ting the envi­ron­ment and mini­mi­zing the CO2 foot­print. Origi­nally started as a repre­sen­ta­tive of tempe­ring tech­no­logy for company Reglo­plas, the gathered know-how has managed the deve­lo­p­ment to a company which can meet any tech­nical chal­lenge.

„All in one“

The insa­tiable drive for inno­va­tions has been led to deve­lo­p­ments on a new tech­no­lo­gical level. Eight patents have been obtained in the mean­time. All deve­lo­p­ments are always made close to the needs of the customer. All sizes of compa­nies are served, intense refe­rence belongs to medium-sized enter­prises. In addi­tion to tech­no­lo­gies for tempe­ra­ture control, conveying and drying, WENZ is an expert in all fields of mate­rial and finished part hand­ling, and supplies any kind of access­ories for the plastics proces­sing industry. Consum­a­bles such as tempe­ra­ture control couplings, multi-couplings, tempe­ra­ture control hoses of the own brands Talkob® and Mouldpro®, water distri­bu­tors, purging compounds, flow meters, conveying hoses, pipe bends, scrap bags and all types of covers for mate­rial contai­ners as well as repair and main­ten­ance service of all peri­pheral equip­ment are offered, which estab­lish WENZ as a system provider for every plastics proces­sing company.

WENZ offers its custo­mers a signi­fi­cant compe­ti­tive advan­tage by combi­ning high-quality tech­nical advice on inno­va­tive products with high quality stan­dards.

Drying and loading systems

In 2019, Karsten Weller (mana­ging director of WENZ Kunst­stoff GmbH&Co. KG), Norman Gasser and Günther Scheif­linger founded qip GmbH in Austria.

The members of qip gathered expe­ri­ence in conveying and drying tech­no­lo­gies of plastic resin for over 20 years. The qip® drying system was engi­neered as a two-circuit tech­no­logy – a revo­lu­tion! qip deliver results with the lowest energy consump­tion that have never been seen before in rela­tion to energy effi­ci­ency and envi­ron­mental protec­tion. Ready for the market, the systems perform even better than assumed in theory.

All accu­mu­lated know-how over the last decades allows qip to supply tech­ni­ques on the highest stan­dard in drying of plastic resin. These bene­fits reduce the CO2-emmis­­sions, assure the process relia­bi­lity in the customer‘s plant and provide highest trans­pa­rency of the mate­rial hand­ling.

In addi­tion to qip® drying series, the port­folio of WENZ includes central mate­rial supply and conveying systems which can be fully inte­grated into the produc­tion process. Patented coupling stations, encoded or uncoded, are also part of these systems. All mate­rial hand­ling and drying devices can coöpe­rate with each other.

ModbusTCP or OPC UA is used for commu­ni­ca­tion between all kind of equip­ment. User inter­faces run in any web browser (HTML5). This ensures 100% system inte­gra­tion. Data exchange to data acqui­si­tion systems and control stations is possible as well as the inte­gra­tion of machines from other manu­fac­tures. Aged systems can be opti­mized – virtually a retrofit of mate­rial hand­ling.

Call an expert now!

BAFA eligible
qip® drying tech­no­logy
up to 90% reduc­tion of CO2 emis­sions
up to 80% saving of energy
85% saving of compressed air
+49 2351/ 45 90 40

We are looking forward talking to you.