qip® dryer

Energiesparender qip® Granulattrockner

The patented tech­no­logy ensures up to 80% energy savings, up to 85% compressed air savings and up to 90% of CO2 emis­sions. It is main­­ten­ance-free, supplies constant drying perfor­mance for life-time, does not require any desiccant and offers a 3‑years full warranty on parts and work­manship.

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Energy supply cut down to the essen­tial amount

Units of the ID-BD and CD-TD series operate only with compressed air and complete the product range of dryers.

They are very popular for small mate­rial through­puts due to their unique stabi­lity of the drying process and the possi­bi­lity to mount them directly on the produc­tion machine. Only small amounts of compressed air are required.

Hopper volumes of ID-BD dryers are sized from 22 up to 170 liters. CD-TD dryers are avail­able with volumes from 1.5 to 11 liters. Plastic resin dryers of the UD-series provide unique possi­bi­li­ties in energy savings due to the two-circuits-tech­­no­­logy.

Ambient air repres­ents the main part in that process. Only a small amount of compressed air is required for the real drying which allows a reduc­tion of 85% in compressed air consump­tion. UD-dryers achieve an unmat­ched stabi­lity of the drying process and guarantee careless opera­tion for life time.

The circular dryers operate without any typical air inlet pipe, thereby immen­sely faci­li­ta­ting the clea­ning effort in case of mate­rial changes. They are used for high mate­rial through­puts and deli­vered with hopper volumes from 260 to 3700 liters.

Generous sized doors for easy clea­ning are stan­dard on all of our UD-units. The units are main­ten­ance free and supplied with 3 years warranty.

Your advan­tage: The slim design of qip’s compressed air resin dryers allows space-saving assembly as well as instal­la­tion in tight spaces. They are main­­ten­ance-free, offer a consist­ently stable drying perfor­mance as well as low compressed air consump­tion. Thus, according to WENZ, 75 to 85% compressed air savings are achieved compared to conven­tional drying systems with compressed air. They are avail­able as small-volume dryers, side-by-side dryers, top-mounted dryers and central dryers in sizes from 1.5 to 3700 liters. With the BD, CD, FD, HD, ID, TD, UD series, custo­mers are prepared for any appli­ca­tion.