qip® dryer

The patented technology ensures up to 80% energy savings, up to 85% compressed air savings and up to 90% of CO2 emissions. It is maintenance-free, supplies constant drying performance for life-time, does not require any desiccant and offers a 3‑years full warranty on parts and workmanship.
Energy supply cut down to the essential amount
Units of the ID-BD and CD-TD series operate only with compressed air and complete the product range of dryers.
They are very popular for small material throughputs due to their unique stability of the drying process and the possibility to mount them directly on the production machine. Only small amounts of compressed air are required.
Hopper volumes of ID-BD dryers are sized from 22 up to 170 liters. CD-TD dryers are available with volumes from 1.5 to 11 liters. Plastic resin dryers of the UD-series provide unique possibilities in energy savings due to the two-circuits-technology.
Ambient air represents the main part in that process. Only a small amount of compressed air is required for the real drying which allows a reduction of 85% in compressed air consumption. UD-dryers achieve an unmatched stability of the drying process and guarantee careless operation for life time.
The circular dryers operate without any typical air inlet pipe, thereby immensely facilitating the cleaning effort in case of material changes. They are used for high material throughputs and delivered with hopper volumes from 260 to 3700 liters.
Generous sized doors for easy cleaning are standard on all of our UD-units. The units are maintenance free and supplied with 3 years warranty.
Your advantage: The slim design of qip’s compressed air resin dryers allows space-saving assembly as well as installation in tight spaces. They are maintenance-free, offer a consistently stable drying performance as well as low compressed air consumption. Thus, according to WENZ, 75 to 85% compressed air savings are achieved compared to conventional drying systems with compressed air. They are available as small-volume dryers, side-by-side dryers, top-mounted dryers and central dryers in sizes from 1.5 to 3700 liters. With the BD, CD, FD, HD, ID, TD, UD series, customers are prepared for any application.