
Retrofit | Wenz

In case of higher resource saving requi­re­ments, the trans­for­ma­tion of old drying systems into “wonders” of energy saving and envi­ron­mental protec­tion is possible.

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WENZ Retrofit trans­forms old dryers into “energy saving and envi­ron­mental protec­tion mira­cles”

Compa­nies with obso­lete tech­no­logy and thus less effi­cient conveying systems for mate­rial supply can get an effi­cient system with the current best tech­no­logy, projected by WENZ under ener­getic and envi­ron­mental aspects. This raises an old system into a new tech­nical age.

Despite of the aged design, the system can be fully inte­grated into the control system, virtually a retrofit that deli­vers the best possible result without the need for repla­ce­ment. It becomes more effi­cient, more cost-saving, more envi­ron­ment­ally conscious and more sustainable.

With the retrofit, WENZ enables custo­mers to achieve an immense impro­ve­ment in terms of rele­vant produc­tion factors, despite of consi­der­ably lower invest­ment costs compared to a new instal­la­tion. No need to exchange dryers or conveying systems – the secret is the Know-how of our patented control system.

If desired, with the patented PID system from WENZ, all old dryers can be syste­ma­ti­cally trans­formed into “mira­cles of energy saving and envi­ron­mental protec­tion”. Even if the dryer is aged and has been in use for a long time, WENZ will increase the effi­ci­ency so that new requi­re­ments can be met at the lowest cost.

With the WENZ retrofit, all old, still func­tional compon­ents are sustainably used. The customer saves money, energy, protects the envi­ron­ment and ensures a neutral “CO2 foot­print”.