Operating expenses | Wenz Kunststoff

Case studies
Reduc­tion of costs & incre­a­sing effi­ci­ency refer­ring to drying systems of two custo­mers

Which are the most important ques­tions to get the best central mate­rial station?
For some custo­mers, looking at the fuel consump­tion of a car, there are some ques­tions to answer:

How fast is the car being driven? Which car? With or without traffic jams? What is the weight? How many people are riding? Gaso­line or diesel?

So, how much “fuel” is consumed and what “vehicle” is needed to be effi­cient, depends on many para­me­ters.

Before each project is laun­ched, all para­me­ters build the base for WENZ. All facts must be consi­dered in order to create an offer for the customer before the project starts. The maximum of savings in rela­tion of energy and costs with maximum reduc­tion of the “CO2 foot­print” are essen­tial for WENZ. Thus, the infor­ma­tion of only one or two para­me­ters is not suffi­cient to provide an optimal advice for the drying process to the plastics proces­sing customer.

Reduc­tion of costs & incre­a­sing effi­ci­ency:

The know-how of the produc­tion process and the new qip® tech­no­logy save up to 90% of CO2 emis­sions, an increase in effi­ci­ency of up to 50% can be expected.


Drying time: 4 h
Throughput per hour: 574 kg
Initial mois­ture of granules in %: 0,8 %
Final mois­ture of granules in %: 0,04 %
Ambient tempe­ra­ture in °C: 35°C
Drying tempe­ra­ture °C: 80°C

The following calcu­lated compa­rison of WENZ custo­mers is made under consi­de­ra­tion of the para­me­ters that are rele­vant for drying the mate­rial. For the calcu­la­tion WENZ has been using average figures that are being improved in most cases in prac­tice.